August 2019 Newsletter

With the change of season from summer to fall, it also brings equally exciting changes to DSPT. Scroll down for our new services and offerings:

  1. Beginning on September 6th, every Friday from 9am-12pm, we at DSPT are fortunate and excited to offer one-on-one 60 minute sessions with Katerina Tsernou. Her programs are designed for mental wellness, and stress management. Some of the program offerings we have worked with her to develop include, but are not limited to, the following:
    1. Pre and post operative care program including hypnosis, imagery training to help our patients who are about to undergo a surgery to be calm, heal faster and manage pain
    2. Pain management sessions, before or after the PT treatments
    3. New, holistic program for chronic pain patients, combining PT with hypnosis, mindful movement, breathing and meditation techniques to rejuvenate and energize
    4. Motor Imagery Training for athletes to enhance performance
  2. As the field of neuroscience advances in its understanding of pain, so must we as practitioners in our treatment of it. In educating our clients on pain and how it can serve as a roadblock to their recovery, we cite the research of leading pain scientist Lorimer Moseley; in treatment, we also have begun utilizing tools/strategies grounded in cognitive behavioral techniques (CBT), motivational interviewing (MI), mindfulness, and somatic experiencing.
  3. To supplement the way we treat and educate patients about their pain and body's physiological response(s) therein, we now offer biofeedback therapy sessions. Biofeedback is a technique that can help someone to gain more control over normally involuntary functions such as skin temperature, muscle tension, heart rate and breathing. The idea behind biofeedback is that, by harnessing the power of your mind and becoming aware of what's going on inside your body, you can gain more control over your health.

We here at DSPT are here to professionally manage your journey toward caring for and healing your whole self, mind and body. Give us a call to see what we and our network of specialized health care providers can do for you!

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